What is DeskTask?

DeskTask connects to Microsoft Outlook and displays your calendar appointments, task items and flagged e-mails on the desktop automatically updating itself to display the latest information.

Your appointments will always be visible, saving precious time to launch or switch to Outlook

To see what are the items due for today or tomorrow you just need to reveal your desktop.

DeskTask displays the whole week so you can be prepared to organize your work. (DeskTask can display up to 3 months of upcoming appointments!)

A wide range of display options including what tasks to include, filter by category and a lot more.

Besides the calendar items, Outlook Tasks and flagged e-mails from your Inbox can also be displayed.

As a time saver, clicking on an item can optionally open it in Outlook

Additionally, Outlook items can also be shown in the tray menu

DeskTask supports all modern Windows editions and all Office versions since Office 2000! If you work with the Outlook calendar, DeskTask is for you

Version History
Version 1.61 SR1 - Released on 23 April 2018
  • Minor bug fixes
Version 1.61
  • Added an option to show countdown (in days) to the header date
  • Reorganized some options
  • Minor bug fixes

Version history archive >>

Microsoft, Windows and Outlook are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Corporation in no way endorses or is affiliated with Carthago Software. All other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.


DeskTask 1.61 SR1

  • Microsoft Windows 11 / 10 / 8.x / 7 / Vista / XP / 2000
  • Microsoft Outlook installed (Office 2000 or later)

DeskTask is freeware. It can be freely used and distributed in commercial and private environments but is subject to the terms and conditions of the license agreement.