1. Please use the Search boxThere is a pretty good chance that unless you have some really odd or unique problem that it has been addressed on our forum before, please use the forum's search feature first to see if there are already some good threads on the subject. It's easy to search just click the Search button at the bottom right of the page.
2. Whenever possible be descriptive in your topic namesPlease post a descriptive topic name. Give a short summary of your problem in the subject. (Don't use attention getting subjects, they don't get attention and only annoy people).
Here's a great list of topic subjects
you should not post:Help me
Very urgent
Please Please Please
It crashes
I have a question
Generally anything similar to those is not acceptable.
Here is a good example of a way to post a question
How to save as admin in Twistpad?
How to change the colors in MemInfo menu?
Does Aeroblend support windows 10?
Thank you
André SantosCarthago Software Support