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 Error message while using Desktask

Grishma Khandwalla
#1 | Posted: 23 Oct 2017 22:02 | Edited by: Grishma Khandwalla 
Hello, I'm using Desktask (Win7 with Outlook 2013) and it keeps popping this message box with the following message at regular intervals (I guess it is trying to fetch data from Outlook?)

Message: This digitally signed e-mail has a receipt request and so cannot be opened in a UI-less mode.

If I leave my machine overnight, a lot of pop-up message boxes are seen on my machine.

The same message is seen when I do some changes in my Desktask settings via the Options menu and click Ok or Apply.

Can you help me if I need to do some settings to Outlook\Desktask to get rid of this issue?

Your help will be highly appreciated.

Grishma Khandwalla
#2 | Posted: 23 Oct 2017 22:04 
The same message is seen when I do some changes in my Desktask settings via the Options menu and click Ok or Apply.

Andre Santos
#3 | Posted: 29 Oct 2017 08:59 

It seems Desktask is trying to read an email subject that it is digitally signed so, apparently, it's not allowed.
I have to investigate this issue further but for the time being I would suggest you turn off the option "Show Flagged email items from Inbox" in the options \ Task page. Desktask only reads tries to read email subjects when this option is selected

Let me know if this helped,

André Santos
Carthago Software Support

DeskTask Carthago Software forums / DeskTask /
 Error message while using Desktask

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