I found a (manual) workaround for the problem of the regional issue of DeskTask; when the system date is between 1st and 12 of each month, DeskTask exchange the day with the month and show the wrong data or nothing at all (no appointment found), also the weekday names are in english even if you set another language in the Option panel.
The trick I found is to change the date format in Windows, (and then put it again in the original format if you like).
To do it, simply click on the bottom right corner of the desktop, over the time display, then go on to the following windows and choose another date format, then click OK several times to close all the opened windows, right-click on DeskTask header, click on Refresh et voilà.
Even if you put the format date again in the original format, DeskTask keep working correctly, until next system restart; I think the problem is in Windows, not in DeskTask, but in this way I solved the problem.
It would be possible to automate the whole process at system startup, but I'm not albe to ... sorry.
Ermanno |