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 Just a couple of suggestions

Michael Bonifacio
#1 | Posted: 15 Aug 2005 14:07 
Firstly, thank you for this little program; it is easy to use and highly useful.

I do have some minor suggestions:

1. The clarity of the calendar & task characters is difficult to read on light coloured backgrounds. At times adding shadow worsens the clarity, as does a screen refresh rate of 75hz. If the characters could be as similar as possible to the desktop's icon labels would be a great help.

2. Would it be possible to differentiate headings a bit clearer ... e.g. day of the week etc...

3. I also notice that the cursor can sometimes move behind DeskTask, perhaps the z order gets confused in my pc.

Overall, I'm delighted with DeskTask. Thank you.

Andre Santos
#2 | Posted: 17 Aug 2005 15:48 

thanks for your comments.

Michael Bonifacio wrote:
1. The clarity of the calendar & task characters is difficult to read on light coloured backgrounds. At times adding shadow worsens the clarity, as does a screen refresh rate of 75hz. If the characters could be as similar as possible to the desktop's icon labels would be a great help.

I see in your screenshot that you are using indeed a light background, however DeskTask still displays it's words in white, you should in this case change the color of the words to black or something, to make it easier to read. Did you try that?

Michael Bonifacio wrote:
2. Would it be possible to differentiate headings a bit clearer ... e.g. day of the week etc...

The headings are already in bold to differentiate from normal tasks. However you say "day of the week" can you give an example of what you would like to see?

Michael Bonifacio wrote:
3. I also notice that the cursor can sometimes move behind DeskTask, perhaps the z order gets confused in my pc.

I'm unable to reproduce this, are you sure it's the mouse cursor?
I can however reproduce sometimes the DeskTask window getting on top of other windows, but this is under special circumstances.


André Santos
Carthago Software Support

Michael Bonifacio
#3 | Posted: 18 Aug 2005 02:07 
Thank you for you prompt reply.

I did try a darker font colour and a bigger font size but its not as smooth. Some letters appearance is not that defined -like smudgy.

As regards headings: As I use Bold for calendar events and tasks -its clearer that way- its a bit difficult to discern one day's event from another.
Perhaps if headings (days of the week) could be a bigger font size and maybe indent events and individual tasks. Each event line could start with
a small dot or square. This could make it easier to identify.


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Concerning the mouse cursor. This event has not happened again. What happened was that I could not click on DeskTask. I could see Desktask deatails over the cursor. As I say this situation has not recurred.

Apologies for all this bother, and heartful thanks for your kind attention.

Best regards

Andre Santos
#4 | Posted: 20 Aug 2005 15:11 

Michael Bonifacio wrote:
I did try a darker font colour and a bigger font size but its not as smooth. Some letters appearance is not that defined -like smudgy

I see, maybe some tweaks, like using other font's will suit you?

Michael Bonifacio wrote:
Each event line could start with
a small dot or square. This could make it easier to identif

That is a good ideia, and I already thought of that, I will put it in the "todo list", but I'm not sure when it will be available.

Michael Bonifacio wrote:
Concerning the mouse cursor. This event has not happened again. What happened was that I could not click on DeskTask. I could see Desktask deatails over the cursor. As I say this situation has not recurred.

Well, That has never happened to me, or ever been reported, so hopefully it's a one time situation?

If it happens again, try to see what caused it, so I can reproduced it.

The thing is, DeskTask uses some undocumented methods of archiving the pinned to desktop effect, so it could have some side effects on occasion, but so far DeskTask seems perfectly stable.

Michael Bonifacio wrote:
Apologies for all this bother, and heartful thanks for your kind attention

No problem, that is what the forums are for. Don't hesitate to post more suggestions or problems you may have


André Santos
Carthago Software Support

DeskTask Carthago Software forums / DeskTask /
 Just a couple of suggestions

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