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#1 | Posted: 1 Jan 2007 00:32 | Edited by: SolarAngel 
I have managed to transfer my huge syntax file for Javascript with custom colors for black background (it took me a while to make it all look like I love) so I wish to share this with other as it this syntax file displays more reliable javascript code to user.

Q: so what I should do ?


found few things missing in syntax files, eg: not able to set in list of specific signs that I wish to color to specific color sign ";" as it is used to delimiting words. Best approach to overcome this limitation would be to add new type for section now you have 'StartStop' and 'keyword', there should be regular expression or list of characters type eg: 'charset' or something like that where we would set only character list to charset atribute in that section.

syntax file for C/Cpp isn't working properly I have some odd line after declaration inside functions like there is another function in it. I would understand if there was a fnction but there is no function.

void checkCount(LONG *iValue){
LAST_SIZE = *iValue;
if(*iValue>MAX_SIZE) *iValue = MAX_SIZE;
LONG _stdcall calcCRC_to_LPSTR(LPSTR ptr, LONG count, LPSTR lpstrCRC){
LONG crc= calcCRC(ptr, count);
*lpstrCRC++ = (char) ((crc >> 8) & 0xFF);
*lpstrCRC = (char) (crc & 0xFF);
return crc;
after LAST_SIZE = *iValue; there is new line !?
thought at first new line after declarations but in next function there is no line after declarations so I don't know what that is.

and that line is little overlapping the text making T to read as I and similar. It should be little 1 ~ 2 pixels above, I am using 'terminal font size 6 px'.


now outlining lines and boxes colors can't be changed on dark background it is almost invicible, also how about making property for size of outine box or atleast make it just a little bigger. I like to use mouse fast, when I use it, and have noticed I am missing that box often and selecting line ;)
also 3 dots double clicking on [...] should expand.


syntax files: there should be GUI interface for changing colors of specified sections in syntax file, had to edit files to get proper colors, even syntax file for syntas files ;)


There was small problem with regulat expression eg tried to use:
search text: '\n'
replace text: ';'
and he continued telling me there is no '\n' then I've tried to use '\r' and it worked, somehow TextPad handles those both expression in same way.

Also huge missing in replace 'Replace SELECTED Text'


oh I've remmembered, keyboard shortcuts can't add CTRL+DEL and SHIFT+DEL, I use IBM standard for shortcuts on clipboard and my fingers are custom to that eg:
CTRL+DEL = cut
these are main managed to change first two but third is imposible to enter telling me that there is already assigned that shortcut to some other function, i've tried SHIFT+DEL same respond but I've checked all shortcuts there is no such shortcut.

hm, had few more things but I forgot them atm
maybe later when I remmember ;)

these are my first immpressions, to be honest I am using twistpad only for last 4 hours, but I like what I sew. It may help me solve small problem with editing my huge source files, where I am starting to get lost in code very often o_O

And best thing would be if it could only have class view ;)
This last one couldn't immagine even how it should work in case of TwistPad cause your editor isn't based on specific language and does not have bultin compiler so it could easily detect objects/methods/constants/variables/... you get the point ;)

but maybe one more side window for bookmark list eg: select specific word in text and click command BookmarkWordToBookmarkList that will add word to list, and that list has TreeView based on function brackets and bodies so it could build something like class view, and store it project file but again bad idea what if external application edits file, forget will think something else ;)

this is for now CU ;)


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