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 Problem with C Sharp files

#1 | Posted: 6 Jun 2007 18:06 
with the 1.58 versions, every time I open a C# file in Twistpad I get the following in my Output results window.

Error in function regular expression of C Sharp: Regular Expression Engine: *+ Operand Could Be Empty

If I open a second C# file in the same instance of Twistpad, "strange" things begin to happen and it seems to get stuck in some sort of infinite loop.

#2 | Posted: 7 Jun 2007 02:15 
I've just tried several C# files with v1.58 SR1, with no problems. Perhaps you could post the file that's causing the problem?

Andre Santos
#3 | Posted: 7 Jun 2007 03:31 

That must be an old C# definition file.
There have been some modification in the way the function RE is handled.

I suggest you update to the latest syntax set:
Download the latest retail syntax files

You can simply replace the csharp.sdf in your c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\carthago\twistpad\syntax

If you have customized your C# syntax file and do not wish to replace everything (since the problem is only the Function RE, open the above file and replace the line functions=* with :
functions=\b(bool|byte|sbyte|char|short|ushort|int|uint|long|ulong|flo at|double|decimal|void)\b(.*)(\(.*\))($|[^;$])

* Please note that the functions line should all be in one line

that should have solved the problem.
Let me know if it did,


André Santos
Carthago Software Support

#4 | Posted: 7 Jun 2007 06:54 
Well that does appear to have solved the problem. It's curious however that the syntax files weren't getting updated whenever I upgraded to the latest version. Neither the ones in documents and settings nor the ones in the program files folders, both sets were out of date.

Andre Santos
#5 | Posted: 7 Jun 2007 11:10 
MarkJoyal wrote:
Well that does appear to have solved the problem. It's curious however that the syntax files weren't getting updated whenever I upgraded to the latest version. Neither the ones in documents and settings nor the ones in the program files folders, both sets were out of date.

The syntax files are not updated when installing a new version, since users might want to customize colors or add keywords.

(I'm considering adding an option to the installer asking if the user wants to overwrite the old ones)

That is why the full retail is available on a separate download.

BTW, the syntax files in the program files folder are now longer used since 1.55 (however as there are plans to make an "hybrid" portable version which will use the syntax in the program executable folder)


André Santos
Carthago Software Support

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 Problem with C Sharp files

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