pencilneck wrote:
To reproduce:
Double click in the gutter of an empty line with Code Outline off.
Class : ERangeError
List index out of bounds
OS - Windows 2k.
Can you confirm it's a double click in the gutter? or is it the left margin?
The gutter, which holds the bookmark icon and displays lines, when double clicked sets a bookmark in the respective line.
Double clicking in the left margin, which is where are the plus/minus signs for the outline, selects an adjacent block of lines.
Testing based on your feedback, I indeed get an ERangeError if I double click the left margin in the last line if it's empty, or in an empty document, independent of number of lines. otherwise i'm unable to reproduce.
Can you confirm or give more info on this?
Any way this will be fixed for next version.
pencilneck wrote:
I also get a strange one sometimes where some lines go black including the horizontal scroll bar, but I can't reproduce it yet.
Ok, let me know more on this when you have more details
André Santos Carthago Software Support